WTF - What do we have in common with chickens? 

Facts and figures

33% of the total area of the WeltTellerFeld - about 995 m2 - is used to cultivate animal fodder necessary to produce the amount of meat, sausages, eggs and dairy products consumed by an Austrian person per year. The area at the WeltTellerFeld representing animal fodder, shows that farmers in other parts of the world use arable land and grassland areas for cultivating animal feed. Plants such as wheat, corn or soy are grown on arable land solely for animal feed. This feed is then transported to Austria to feed the animals here, or it is fed to animals where it was originally grown. Fodder is being grown on pastures and meadows of grasslands and either fed directly to the animals or mowed by the farmers and later fed to the animals in the barn. The meat, dairy products or eggs from the animals are then delivered to our supermarkets. 


That's how it is!? 

Cows, sheep or goats can live from the fodder on the meadow! We humans cannot. Our digestion cannot make good use of the ingredients from grasses and leaves. Therefore, to get enough carbohydrates and protein, we have to eat, for example, cereals or legumes like lentils or soy. Just like chickens! We can also get protein from animal foods such as meat, dairy products or eggs.  

Chicken meat is particularly popular for many people and is also imported in large quantities from other EU countries. Farmers there have to follow rules when raising chickens. These rules are in the EU directive on the protection of broiler chickens.   

According to this EU directive, what is the maximum number of chickens that can be kept in an area of 1m2?


The answer: 


33 - 42 kg may be the live weight of chickens per m2. This corresponds to 20 to 26 chickens with a slaughter weight of 1.6 kg each.  


One thing I can do!  

Surely you can imagine that it becomes uncomfortable when so many chickens have to live together on one square meter. It's not a nice life. The EU organic directive only allows 10 chickens per square meter. If you buy organic chicken, the chickens have a better life. But you can also increase the amount of plant-based food on your plate. Fresh vegetables or protein-rich legumes from the region directly from farmers are especially tasty and rich in vitamins. You can get these foods at local markets, in farmers’ stores or through a box filled with vegetables and delivered to your door, called “Gemüsekistl”. Do you want to stand up for healthy, sustainable and fair food in Vienna? Then visit this page to learn more.